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eServe Newsletter March 2016


Buying health insurance?

Yes. Thinking of...

Do consider following things

  1. Go for adequate sum insured that would cover all your family members
  2. Check the list of network hospitals that are offered by the insurer for Cashless hospitalization
  3. Read carefully and understand what your policy covers. Most preferred plans offer day care procedures, prehospitalization and post hospitalization expenses, accident coverage, and preexisting diseases covered after a certain waiting period.
  4. Buy a health cover as early in life as possible and definitely before you turn 40 to get the benefit of no-claims bonus on every claim-free year
  5. All health plans have a waiting period for pre-existing ailments. It is always advisable to opt for a company that offers minimum waiting period
  6. Look for health insurance plans which do not have any copayment and sub limits
  7. Before finalising on any health insurance plan go through its exclusion and select the one which has least number of exclusions and are clearly defined.

You may call +91 7588 330 390
for more info...