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eServe Newsletter April 2014

Why do you need insurance?

Read the following articles & find the answer...

Uncertainty : The truth behind every journey
Young man dies just weeks after cancelling his life insurance

Uncertainty : The truth behind every journey

Young man dies just weeks after cancelling his life insurance

A Malaysian airlines passenger aircraft with 239 passengers, including 5 Indians disappeared without any trace on its route to China from Malaysia on the night of 8th Mar 2014 shortly after take-off. In this age of sophisticated aircrafts and satellite technologies the disappearance of a modern aircraft has raised many questions which have been left unanswered. Till date no evidence has been found of what happened to the aircraft, despite search efforts by more than 20 countries.
The entire incident is a reminder of how uncertain life can be. Can anybody imagine that a simple journey could become their last journey? In such a situation what will happen to their family and dependents?
If the breadwinner dies unexpectedly there will be a loss of income to the family. In absence of, adequate life insurance or adequate income, the family will need to pay the price for it by compromising on good education or selling assets like property and jewellery. To avoid such a situation it would be advisable to evaluate your financial risks from time to time and purchase adequate insurance. Life insurance not only offers regular savings and financial security to the family but also peace of mind.
29 year old man dies just weeks after cancelling his life insurance. John Perricone, a 29-year-old father-of-four collapsed and died unexpectedly while on a holiday.
John Perricone who was working as a hardware store manager was with his family on a Carnival Cruise when he fell ill suddenly.
According to media reports, Mr Perricone had a life insurance policy but cancelled it at the end of last year, leaving his family struggling to pay the bills. "In order to make ends meet they had to cancel his life insurance policy at the end of 2013," a website raising money for his family read.
"It was a very tough choice but at the age of 29 you think you can go for a year without it."
Mr Perricone was the sole provider for his family. The report also said that no other passengers aboard the ship fell ill and Mr Perricone's sudden death remains a mystery

LIC claim settlement performance 2012-13

LIC claim settlement performance 2012-13

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