e-Serve helps you with ...
• eFiling, PAN, TDS return, LIC policy renewal
• Insurance services (Life, health, vehicle etc.)
• Adhar Card Updation
• HP Gas Authorised Facilitation
• Mutual Funds & more...
Call +91 7588 330 390 for details
Welcome to e-Serve, your one stop shop for investment services related to LIC, NSDL and Mutual Funds. We are located in Pune, and can serve you over Phone, Email and Internet.
Insurance services provided:
- Premium collection with instant issue of receipt of all LIC policies.
- Status of your policies.
- Loan availability on your policies.
- Premium paid certificate for the purpose of Income Tax.
Other services provided:
- Acceptance of electronic and physical TDS/TCS returns.
- Processing of new PAN and PAN change request application.
- Processing of new TAN and TAN change request application.
- Acceptance of new pension scheme forms.
- Adhar Card Updation
- HP Gas Authorised Facilitation centre
- Mutual Funds (Read more)
Smt. Shubhada Kale of e-Serve investments receiving awards.

Felicitation by
honorable chairman
Shri D. K. Mehrotra.
From left: Shri R. R. Dash (zonal manager)
& Shri Milind Mane (No. 1 development officer)

Tab gifted by zonal manager for MDRT 2013
From left: Shri Milind Mane, Shri Pattanayak, Shri Prasad
& sr. sales manager Mrs. Borkar)

Award given by
Shri Palkar
(satelite branch)
for maximum single premium

Primary documents
These include your birth certificate, marriage certificate, PAN card, passport, election ID card and the Aadhaar card. Will be needed when transferring assets to your heirs. -
Insurance details
The purpose of life insurance will be defeated if your family is in the dark. Make a list of all the policies, mentioning the name of insurers, policy numbers, insured sums and the tenures. -
Pension documents
If you have an NPS account, mention the account number and nomination details. Give the pension account number with your employer. -
Property papers
All property-related documents should be in one place. If the property is mortgaged, keep photocopies. Mention the loan account number and the latest outstanding amount. If property is insured, mention policy coverage. -
Bank account details
Make a list of various bank accounts, giving the name of the bank, the account number, holding pattern and the nomination details.
Bank locker details
Mention the name of bank, locker number, ownership pattern and whereabouts of the key. Maintain an inventory of items kept in the locker and update every time you operate it. -
Demat account details
Give the name of depository partner, demat account number and nomination details. If possible, update the details of the securities in the demat account. -
Other investments
Give details of the PPF account and folio numbers of other post office investments. Make a list of mutual fund investments, mentioning folio numbers, ownership pattern and nomination details. -
Loans and Receivables
If you have taken or given private loans to relatives or friends, mention the amount and the date by when these are payable/receivable. -
Online 10 passwords
Though these are to be kept secret, keep a list for emergency reference. Mention the website, the online ID and the password.
Keep this in mind
• This information is to be kept secret and accessed only if the main breadwinner of the family has either died or is in a medical emergency.
• Make sure to update the information regularly. How often you do this depends on your convenience and the changes in investments.
• The information listed above is very basic. you may want to add more details of other assets along the same lines .You may want to make an online version of this information as well, but make sure it is on a secure site.